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Sunday, June 12, 2011

Still Figuring It All Out!

Belive it or not, this is tough. Every week that I get further and further into this business, the more I realize how much I don't know about business. I know about cupcakes, just not business. But have no fear! I'm learning! Each week that I go to the farmer's market, I realize something else that either I have forgotten or could have done. My list of "could haves" and "may have to's" are piling up! But just like my last post, I'm taking a leap of faith. I'm going for it. This is going to work. I am still working out a few of the details of some opportunities that have come up, and as soon as I know the definits of everything I'll fill you in. For now, I just plan on making more great cupcakes!! I have been pretty steady over the last 2 months, and that's great. My farmer's market weekends have been productive, now it's just fine tuning how I do things for the market. I'm trying to decide if I need to make some of my standard flavor cupcakes every week, or if I need to mix it up every week. Anyone have an opinion on that?

And for all of you who aren't on Facebook, I've started my website, it's new, and always changing, so make it a favorite of yours and check back often for updates! And, if you want coupons please send me your home address or email address and I'll get one out to you!

Hope to see everyone soon!!!


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