Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Ta Da!!!

It's finally happened! I've finally gotten something to work that I have been struggling with for months! I've tried and tried and tried with no success. It's been a long, messy, chocolatey road, but finally it worked! I present... The Reese's Peanut Butter Cup Cake Pop!!!  TA DA!!!
 Now I have to give credit where credit is due. I wouldn't have succeded at this without a new website/blog that I came across last week while trying to find decorating ideas for some cupcakes I did recently. The writer of the blog is known as Mighty Morgan at  Her creations are amazing! To say the least! She has done some cake pops recently from candy left over from Trick or Treat so I decided to try the same. And what an amazing idea! Following her direction I decided to take on cake pops one more time. And with much success! I'm so happy that these turned out, I'm almost tempted to make some more just to start decorating them! I just have to show you some more!!

I was trying to make Rudolph and his reindeer, however, I realized I did not have any pretzels for antlers. So next time, you'll have the Reindeer too!

So now it's time for me to start raiding Aiden's candy bag and see what else I can come up with! I can't wait to see, and taste!


  1. They look fabulous!!!! Even the anterless reindeer....once you get the pops down they just get easier....I know you'll come up with some good ones! And thanks for the shout out :0)
